UNDP Press Release – 1st CLE Workshop in Myanmar

UNDP Press Release – 1st CLE Workshop in Myanmar

The first clinical legal education workshop in Myanmar kicked off at Yangon University Yangon, Myanmar (12-14 July 2013) Faculty from 14 universities participated in a first-ever clinical legal education (CLE) workshop in Myanmar. The workshop was organized with a...
The 4th Trio For Justice

The 4th Trio For Justice

The 4th Trio for Justice was held on January 13th in Chiang Mai at Huey Tueng Tao Park. In addition to holding a half marathon (21k), 10k and 5k run/walks as the previous Trios have, this was the first trio that had a 3K run/walk event for kids. The run/walk also...
My Experiences in Vietnam

My Experiences in Vietnam

    By Bebs Chorak: Volunteer Expert Assisting BABSEACLE and its Partners Law students are just the best. Street Law works with law students in the USA and in many other countries around the world. In our experience, law students are always enthusiastic, involved, and...