Please download our beautiful calendar and consider a voluntary contribution if you would like! We would like to take this opprotunity to thank you for your support by offering our 2016 calendar which you can download from our website. 2015 has been a hugely...
BABSEACLE 2015 Calendar
Make a donation and download our beautiful calendar We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support by offering our 2015 calendar which you can download from our website. 2014 has been a hugely successful year for us here at BABSEACLE and we have...
Invest $1 in BABSEACLE and Produce $14 Bang-for-the-Buck Access to Justice Impact
You know, it is very gratifying to feed a hungry child, but what if you could pay a similar amount for the legal representation of a family provider, in many cases a single mother with several children to feed, who was unfairly incarcerated because she could not...Protected: 2014 BABSEA CLE List of donors, supporters, volunteers, staff and interns.
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