3rd Asia Clinical Legal Education Conference
“Collaboratively Institutionalizing CLE Locally, Regionally, and Globally”
May 23 – 25, 2025 | Chiang Mai, Thailand
Call for Presentations is Now Open
This conference will feature a wide range of discussions focusing on the development, institutionalization, and expansion of CLE programs both locally, regionally and globally.
This conference will feature a wide range of discussions focusing on the development, institutionalization, and expansion of CLE programs both locally, regionally and globally.
Paper sessions
Paper sessions are 30-minute presentations, designed to engage participants actively and in an interdisciplinary way, inclusive of a brief question-and-answer session at the end of the presentation.
Interactive sessions
60 or 90-minute interactive sessions that show and describe a technique for clinical legal education, where participants may be involved in a variety of ways, such as small-group activities, role-playing, case studies, problem-solving, and hands-on instructional activities, providing attendees with the opportunity to broaden their clinical legal education horizons.
Session Themes
- Building and Maintaining CLE Community Partnerships
- Building and Sustaining CLE Networks
- CLE Ethical Practices
- CLE Lessons Learned: Historical Experiences Fostering Future Successes
- CLE Policies and Procedures
- CLE Scholarship and Writings
- CLE Supervision
- CLE through Students’ Perspectives
- Cross-border CLE Programs and Partnerships
- Delivering CLE in Rural Communities
- Establishing and Sustaining CLE Programs
- Exploring the Various Models of CLE
- Institutionalizing CLE
- Introduction to CLE Methodology
- Measuring the Impact of CLE
- Rationale for Developing CLE Programs
- Successful CLE Advocacy
- The Academic Value and Pedagogical Method of CLE
- The Context and Environment of CLE in Asia and Internationally
- The Diversified Goals of CLE
- The Intersection of CLE and Pro Bono
- Thematic and Specialized CLE Programs
- Virtual Clinical Legal Education Initiatives
- What is CLE
Proposals must be submitted online via the conference proposal submission portal.
Submission Deadline: 28 February 2025 (11:59 pm Bangkok Time)
This is a presentation only, and the papers, as well as non-publication presentations, will not be included in the conference proceedings.
Ethical Conduct
The 3rd Asia CLE Conference Organizer takes ethical conduct very seriously, and considers any form of plagiarism unacceptable. Papers that contain redundant publication (reusing one’s own writing verbatim or in a substantially similar form) or plagiarism (using another author’s writing without attribution) will be rejected without further review, and additional action will be taken as appropriate.
The Use of Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies
Authors are allowed to use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process before submission, but only to improve the language and readability of their paper and with the appropriate disclosure. This does not apply to the use of basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references etc.
Registration Fees
In-Person Attendance: (General Public)
Early Bird
Now - 28 Feb 2025- Access to all 3 days of conference sessions.
- Daily lunch and two refreshment breaks each day.
- Conference dinner on one evening.
1 Mar - 14 Apr 2025- Access to all 3 days of conference sessions.
- Daily lunch and two refreshment breaks each day.
- Conference dinner on one evening.
15 Apr - 15 May 2025- Access to all 3 days of conference sessions.
- Daily lunch and two refreshment breaks each day.
- Conference dinner on one evening.
In-Person Attendance: (Student)
Early Bird
Now - 28 Feb 2025- Access to all 3 days of conference sessions.
- Daily lunch and two refreshment breaks each day.
- Conference dinner on one evening.
1 Mar - 14 Apr 2025- Access to all 3 days of conference sessions.
- Daily lunch and two refreshment breaks each day.
- Conference dinner on one evening.
15 Apr - 15 May 2025- Access to all 3 days of conference sessions.
- Daily lunch and two refreshment breaks each day.
- Conference dinner on one evening.
In-Person Attendance: (General Public)
Virtual Attendance:
Early Bird
Now - 28 Feb 2025- Access to all live-streamed sessions.
1 Mar - 14 Apr 2025- Access to all live-streamed sessions.
15 Apr - 15 May 2025- Access to all live-streamed sessions.

Clinical legal education (CLE) is a progressive educational system most often implemented through university-based faculty of law programs to help develop better-trained, more socially conscious legal service providers. It is a process whereby students learn by doing. It is an experiential problem-solving based model, in which students actively involve themselves in either real client/personal interactions or simulation case studies set up to mirror real client/personal scenarios. This process is conducted under the supervision of experienced clinicians and legal practitioners. CLE also involves a variety of community outreach programs.
As a teaching device, this type of experiential problem-based learning is considered a highly effective means of adult learning where students learn and importantly retain a vast amount of what is taught. The use of this interactive method of teaching focuses students on becoming more able, thorough and ethical advocates, attorneys, governmental and private employers/employees.
“Clinical Legal Education (CLE) programs provide pro bono services to the community while educating the next generation of social justice, pro bono champions.”