By: Max_Intern from Khon Kaen University


Hi, I am PongpanotInthariya, Max, a senior year Thai intern student from Khon Kaen University, I got a scholarship for an internship in Laos PDR, at the Faculty of Law &Political Science Clinical Legal Education (FLP CLE).In addition, I had the chance to participate, with FLPCLE and UNODC staff lecturers,in a training workshop, the “Training of Trainers and Strategic Plan for FLP CLE”,which was held on 1-3 August 2014,in Vangviang, Laos PDR. Lectures are full in faith that Lao would becoming the state of Law we have to start with our students” say the Lectures.

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The first day was a practical workshop, conducted by the Co-Directors of BABSEACLE/BABSEACLE Australia, Bruce Lasky, Wendy Morrish and Helen Yandell. The trainings were focused on teaching the participants how to become more effective CLE trainers. Each of the first day’s activities focused on creating relationships among participants, includinggroup activities to collaboratively brainstorm CLE methodologies, and all workshop participants not only paid attention to all such activities, but also tried their best to overcome any language barriers.

The next day, there were presentations about how to monitor and evaluate CLE methodologies, and participants presented their own methodologies, in order to reveal they objectives and outcomes of their chosen issue, including role plays, puzzle games, recreations and parody situations. After the presentations finished, participants were evaluated by other participants, who not only acted as students, but also evaluated themselves.

On the last day, there were more activities and a discussion about how to improve CLE in the future. All participants were interested in suggestions for improving their CLE lessons and their overall CLE programme. This included a large group discussions with brainstorming as the participants openly gave their opinions for the CLE improvement of others.

The TOT workshop had many important activities to move FLP CLE forward, now and in the future, and such activities helped lecturers and students gain the experience and knowledge to become CLE trainers, themselves. In addition, collaborative brainstorming, with other participants, improved everyone’s approach to what they wanted from CLE, and guided them to be better trainers, as well.

The workshop taught me about what makes the best trainers, gave me the experience of training trainers, allowed me to have discussions with other trainers, let me practice working-life skills, and helped me improve my English. It also taught me about how to gain and keep students’ attention, and about how to become a leader in community teaching and in-house consultation.
