Access to Justice Silent Auction

A2J Silent Auction

The A2J “Silent Auction” is a BABSEACLE initiative that has been included in BABSEACLE’s supported regional events.

A2J Silent Auction has been held at each Asia Pro Bono Conference since 2015. The A2J Silent Auction has also been held at the Asia Access to Justice Week in 2016. The way a silent auction works is people bring small souvenirs from their country to the conference and donate them to the auction. Then items will be displayed in the market place are a which you can visit in time of coffee breaks. Each item will have a “bid sheet” where people wishing to bid on the item can write the amount they are willing to pay (in local currency of the A2J Silent Auction is held or USD), their name, and email address.  Over the two days, people can write in bids with higher prices. The person with the highest bid at the close of the auction “wins,” pays the amount bid, and takes the item home. The proceeds from the A2J Silent Auction will be used to support regional participants to attend the Asia A2J Week and the Conference and also support local A2J and pro bono initiatives.


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