Enhancing Access to Justice: Leveraging Clinical Legal Education and Pro Bono Initiatives for Social Changes


27 May 2023


13:30 – 15:00 (Bangkok Time)


90 minutes


Fai Kham Room

Session Description

  • To highlight the importance of Clinical Legal Education and Pro Bono work in promoting access to justice.
  • To demonstrate the intersection between CLE and Pro Bono work through case studies based on the work done.
  • To showcase the role of law students and legal fraternity in facilitating access to justice through CLE and Pro Bono initiatives.
  • To provide a platform for sharing best practices and experiences in CLE and Pro Bono work.
  • To create a discourse on importance and benefits of introducing CLE and Pro Bono Activity for the purpose of social change.

Download the Session Materials

Kathmandu School of Law
Nepal Law Campus