Clinical Legal Education and the Core Curriculum: Revisiting the Purpose of Law School 


27 May 2023


10:30 – 12:00 (Bangkok Time)


Thong Khaw Room 1 and Virtual

Session Description

What is the place of clinical legal education in the core law school curriculum?  In this panel discussion, we intend to interrogate this question in the context of the reform and purpose of legal education generally.  There’s been consensus on the need to reform legal education for decades—in particular the need for practical training.  Using the Philippines and United States as case examples, panelists will share views and experiences in these endeavors and, with meeting participants, develop and collaborate on perspectives, strategies, and initiatives to modernize legal training and promote access to justice.  The Philippines required clinical training of all law students in 2019; the U.S.  in 2014.  What led to these requirements?  How can they be replicated elsewhere?  What are the enduring challenges—institutional, pedagogical, political—and how do we meet them?  What is the purpose of law school, generally?  And how do we design a curriculum that meets current needs?  We hope to explore these questions and more.

Download the Session Materials

Kathmandu School of Law
Nepal Law Campus